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As you may have noticed by now if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, I love food. I always look for an opportunity to plan a new healthy recipe or try out a new restaurant where I can indulge in a “cheat” meal. Well, this past Friday I ended up trying out a new healthy recipe at home: cauliflower pizza crust.

Being a weight loss consultant, I often suggest this recipe as a yummy, feels like I’m cheating kinda meal for my clients because using cauliflower rather than regular high carb pizza crust can save a lot of calories – or in other words – you get more bang for your buck.

This past Friday, a good (GREAT) friend from high school was coming over to chat and simply hang out – some of the best nights consist of this kinda hanging out. We decided to stay in and cook something our selves – and oh – save some money of course. She left the recipe deciding up to me and I decided to take the healthy route, what with Easter this weekend and all the ham that would eventually be consumed – oops! Reyan was totally cool with whatever I chose and was super open to whatever ingredients I chose for the pizza – what and “easy” friend 😉

Now I know that not everyone likes cauliflower pizza crust, but then again not everyone likes our president either (I know, not relevant haha). So if I had to run some stats on is recipe it’d be this:

Friday night there were 5 people in our house
5 people tried the pizza
4 out of 5 people enjoyed the pizza
(Of course my dad was the one who wasn’t so impressed)

I dare you to stray from your Pizza Hut, Dominos, or Jacks frozen pizza for one day and attempt this delicious, yet nutritious cauliflower pizza crust recipe that is extremely simple!


  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup part skim mozzarella
  • Seasonings of choice – red pepper flakes, mrs dash, etc

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  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Cut and clean head of cauliflower and dry.
  3. Place part of the cauliflower into food processor and pulse on high until fluffy like snow. Continue to pulse the rest of cauliflower. photo 4-2
  4. Place cauliflower in microwave safe bowl, cover with plastic wrap and microwave for 2 minutes.
  5. Once cauliflower has sat for a few minutes to cool, place cauliflower in clean dish towel and ring out water in separate bowl until most (almost all) water is gone.photo 3-5
  6. Mix egg, seasonings and cauliflower together until all blended.
  7. It is easiest to use parchment paper, but you may also use a cookie sheet. Spray parchment paper or cookie sheet and flatten out crust into shape of choice. I made two circular pizzas out of the dough I had.
  8. Cook pizza crust until golden brown edges, roughly 18-20 minutes.
  9. Once crust is cooked, take out of oven and place ingredients on top and cook until cheese is melted. (if you are using meat or mushrooms, cook ahead of time).

You can choose whatever pizza toppings you’d like! We chose to do a margarita pizza and the ingredients included:

Sliced grape or Roma tomatoes
Fresh basil
Mozzarella cheese

photo 5-2

My suggestion when using cauliflower crust is to not heap on the ingredients too much.

I hope you enjoy this delicious and healthy alternative to your average pizza.